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TRANSNISTRIA 1000 Rublei 1996 Uncirculated


TRANSNISTRIA 1000 Rublei 1996 Uncirculated


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TRANSNISTRIA 1000 Rublei 1996 Uncirculated

Transnistria is a de facto independent state not recognized by the UN member countries, being regarded as de jure part of the Republic of Moldova is governed by an autonomous administration with headquarters in the city of Tiraspol.
The region, formerly part of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova (one of the former – Soviet republics), unilaterally declared its independence as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic on September 2 1990. From March to July 1992, the region has been affected by war which it ended with a cease-fire, secured by a tripartite joint commission between Russia, Moldova and Transdniestria, and the creation of a demilitarized zone between Moldova and Transnistria, including 20 locations near the Dniester River.

Series and number of the banknote may be different from those of the scan

Additional information

Weight 10 g



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