1993 Lire 500 Orazio Silver Uncirculated Italy
18,00 €
1993 – Lire 500 Orazio Silver Italy Proof
25,00 €
1993 – Lire 500 Flora and Fauna Italy Mint 3 Emis. Proof
28,00 €
1992 Lire 500 Silver V Centenary of the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent Unc
1992 Lire 500 Silver V Centenary of the America discovery IV Proof
19,50 €
1992 Lire 500 Silver Flora e Fauna Uncirculated Italy 2nd emission
24,00 €
1992 Lire 500 Silver Flora e Fauna Uncirculated Italy 1st emission
16,00 €
1992 Lire 500 + Lire 200 Silver Flora e Fauna Uncirculated Italy 1st emission
27,00 €
1992 Italy Lire 500 Silver XXV Barcelona Olympics Italy
19,00 €
1992 – Lire 500 Silver XXV Olympics in Barcelona Proof
23,00 €
1992 – Lire 500 Piero della Francesca Mint Coin Italy Unc
1992 – 500 Lire Silver V Centenary of Lorenzo the Magnificent death 1992 Proof
25,90 €
1992 – 500 Lire Proof Piero della Francesca Proof
1991 Lire 500 2500 Years Milvio Bridge construction Uncirculated Italy
1991 Lire 500 250° Anniversary of the Antonio Vivaldi death Silver Proof
36,50 €
1991 – Lire 500 V Centenary of Discovery of America Ag Proof
22,00 €